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29-apr-21 [+19 days since decode 101]
Comparing the greek and english alphabets sure illustrates the contrast between the building phase of the greek nation and its subsequent demise that had such a knock on effect on the fate of the west.
Here is a side by side comparison of the 2 alphabets.

Notice the modern greek got trimmed down from 27 to 24 by removing the 3 latters, “wau”, koppa and the pregnancy symbol and then was further dumbed down at the latin build of their alphabet. Then letters, theta and ksee got dropped.
These 5 letters have a lot to reveal about the structure of reality and by concealing them tells us a lot about the agenda for the piscea epoch starting 550 BCE. This epoch was to be one of blind faith and blind obedience to authority, so there was no need to delve into the inner mysteries which these 5 letters reveal.
1. KOPPA has the meaning piercing the veil. As it got translated to english Q it lost its esoteric meaning.
2. KSEE was lost and also its esoteric meaning of so got dropped along with its esoteric meaning of detachment.
3. THETA denotes the divine essence residing on 6d and above.
4. “WAU” denoted as Ϝ aka “digamma” tells us about the divine sesemnce which resides in the nucleus of a 5d atem.
5. The PREGNANCY symbol was lsot and with it much of the mysteries of pregnancy.
Theo- (θεο-) is a prefix meaning Gods and Goddesses, literally “divine essence entity.”
Theos (θεός) means God or Goddess; divine. There are 10 words denoting varying shades of divine inspiration all beginning with theta listed here 15.4
- Theiaze (θειάζε) means to be inspired, to prophesy, literally “divine essence divine-power arising.”
- Theiasmos (θειασμός) means divine possession; an inspired utterance; divine (θ) giving-up-to (ειασ).
- Theoleepsia (θεοληψία) and theomaneo (θεομᾰνέω) mean divine inspiration
- Theomanteia (θεομαντεία) is a spirit of prophecy; manteia (μαντεία) means prophetic power.
- Theoreo (θεωρέω) means to look at, behold, gaze at, observe, perceive.
- Theoris (θεωρίς) is the sacred ship or road which conveys state ambassadors
- Theoroi/thearis (θεωροι, θεᾶρίς) are representatives to an “oracle,” heads of state, games, theatre
- Theoros (θεωρός) means an envoy sent to consult an “oracle.”
- Thriazo (θρῑάζω) means to be rapt, possessed by a God or Goddess; divine (θ) stream (ρῑάζω).
- Thuio (θυίω) means to be inspired.
It’s easy to see how removing theta from the latin alphabet is a surefire way to dumb down th population about how the divine inspiration from our angelgod can fizzle out in the public nez. Likewise there was no place for the special letter F when it was time to dumb down the Greek population which had of course had a knock0-on effect for the roman masses and the those limited to the modern vocab. The 6th letter of the Greek alphabet [of 27] used to denote the hum0n self who is wedded to its soul-donor 15.5
Ϝ is commonly called digamma (δίγαμμα), “two (δί-) married (γαμ-) ”. Many words that commence with the letter Ϝ were re-written to begin with the letters Β (basis) or Γ (generative). Latin completed eliminated the “w” sound and Greek words beginning with Ϝ were subsumed under the letters F, V, U, W, and Y.
Wecho (ϝέχω) means carriage; any means for carrying; anything which holds; harbor just as angelgod “carries” the causalbody for use by its protégé..
Widio (ϝιδιό) means one’s own; private, “wed-to (ϝ) self (ιδιό).” just like 5.0x is the immortal self that must learn to navigate its 5 bodies.
Wek (ϝεκ) means as far as depend’s on one’s will, as far as concerns one, literally “wed-to essence core.”
The special greek letters theta and F pretty much on their own cover the symbiotic rules 1 and 2.
The removal of these pivotal letters underpinning the strucrure of reality was instrumental in the dumbing down process. Here we witness how the dumbing down of the greeks, the romans, the europeans and native english speakers was accomplished on a cosmic scale. The trimmed down version of the modern Greek and subsequently f latin and modern european languages – was designed to make the study of subatomics and suprpysics all nigh impossible unless well versed in the secret mysteries. The symbol θ is a place holder for the nearest and dearest gods adjacent to the human kingdom. Theos (θεός) means god or goddess starting on 6d and above.
On 5d each immortal humanself resides and has a designated angelgod on 6d who has provided a soul on upper 5d for use while in the human kingdom. The letter called digamma and sounded like “wau” was the symbol to denote this immortal humanself operating on the densest 3 dimensions 3d, 4d and 5d inseparably wedded and entangled to its divine sponsor all the while during his/her sojourn in the human kingdom. It’s now time to reinstate these 2 symbols [suitable anglized] into our modern vernacular so we can resume meaningful conversations about the structure of reality just like the ancient greeks, Pythagoras, Plato and Pericles used to do. Now we give how the other 13 of the greek letters elucidate the other 13 steps. The trick is don’t be concerned too much with the greek spelling but rather just use the english transliteration. In time we will translate them to more user-friendly names but in the meantime please bear with us when we splash up some unwieldy-sounding names
19 days since decode 101 and 10 days since my meditation on the 15 greek letters in the flotation tank. At first glance no godeau effect jumps out at me so i will delay analysis and rather take a look at letter rho and iota – 2 letters of the famous 15 Take a look at decode 34.2 to see the pattern that I also decoded today 29th [19+10]
Rho tels us to pay attention to teh midway point which will be very different for the aspirant and initiates of varying levels. Iota tells us to contemplate the 3 secret and sacred formulae to be used. So that suggests a topic for an upcoming meditation and perhaps these 2 stages of manifestation will enter into my fav 8..