ABOUT/DECODE/OVERVIEW 20121sa 2021ws 2020b 2020a 2019b 2019a 2018 2015-2017
4-june-2021 [11 days since decode 34.6]
Part of the learning process is tied within visualization so here is a starting point where each letter is visualized as an aid to expand on the meaning of the corresponding guideline. Make up your own chart if you prefer and use it as a base point. Progress can be charted by keeping the visualization up to date with the relevant dates of the updates during contemplation. Here you can see that i’ve timestamped each of the 17 images with today’s date cos i created them during my contemplation today.

Note in guideline 3 we have 2 versions of humon – the immortal human quintessence. .
5.0i is outside the soul’s aura and indicates the humon who has not yet made contact even sporadic, with the soul,
whereas 5.0j has some focus inside the soul’s aura and has made some contact even sporadic with the soul.
11 days elapsed days and lo, today is day 217 of the 11th spin since the mayan reset of 2012/2013.
217 translates into the greek “halas” or “hala” for salt. This points us to important meanings
1) sodium chloride used for preserving food
2) potassium chloride as one of the 12 tissue salts and one of the best superfoods at our disposal.
German physician and biochemist Dr. Wilheim H. Scheussler identified twelve inorganic minerals present in each cell. These minerals include forms of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silica and sodium. These essential salts act as catalysts for cellular bio-chemical processes within the human body. Schuessler proposed that illness was related to a deficiency in one or more of these twelve major mineral substances and when a deficiency is corrected normal cellular function and health is restored. As a Physicist, specialising in homeopathic biochemistry Scheussler devoted many years into the development of the Schuessler tissue salts. Throughout years of research Schuessler identified that it was the compositions of theses minerals which determined cellular function and differentiation. Therefore it is clear and well proven that a balance of these twelve bio-salts are a vital component required for healthy cellular activity and homeostasis.
“The twelve mineral salts are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. Experiments prove that the various tissue cells will rapidly disintegrate in the absence of the proper proportion of these salts in the circulating fluid. Whereas the maintenance of this proportion insures healthy growth and perpetual renewal.”
“These mineral salts, therefore, the physical basis of all healing. Regardless of the school employed, if these are absent from the blood and tissues, no permanent cure is possible.”
-Dr. Charles W. Littlefield – analytical chemist
Dr George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Perry adapted Schuesslers ideas into a more complex system of esoteric healing which lays very much in harmony with the homeopathy and alchemical traditions. Carey and Perry suggested that each of these inorganic minerals correspond in vibration to one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. As the hermetic axiom “As above, so below, the human body is an epitome of the cosmos therefore the physical and energetic systems of the human body, the tissues and the organs each correspond to one of these signs.
The theory is that we need an ample supply of all 12 salts but we need to pay particular attention to the salt designated for our birth sign and the 2 following signs according to this chart:
It can be expedient to use a ratio of 1:4 between 1: natural sodium chloride [not common table salt ] to 4: Potassium Chloride because most people have excess sodium and are deficient in potassium.
24-MAY-21 [26.358 years since 14-jan-1995]
the spiral is a great way to illustrate how one of the 17 guidelines can span across multiple dimensions. To avoid clutter we give 2 charts side by side
1) for those who have made regular contact with the soul level of 5.1z [realm of agap’e love]
2) for those who have already taken the initiation where the mental body has learned to control the 2 higher levels of 4d ie 4.1z and 4.2z which both contact the soul level 5.1z and are working towards the next initiation where the soul learns to make the persona into a useful and obedient instrument.

Blue is used for those guidelines are pretty much the same for both sides. Where the influences are different we use orange for the left and red for the right hand side. Notice how the aspirant on the left is busy with purifying the chakras on 4.3z [4d] while the initiate is busy working on the 7 chakras on the mental level 5.3z. See the chart below “17 guidelines for the learning the manifestation process”
Calculating the elapsed time since the original message was received we get 26.358 years.
the 358 points us to greek letter phi and the fibonacci sequence which characterizes the spiral shapes in nature e.g on the surface of the pineapple and on the inner arrangement of the subflower.
19-MAY-21 [14 DAYS since 34.4]
This chart supercedes the concentric chart from decode 34.4 and gives a less cluttered visual for the concentric illustration of the manifest guidelines. It’s estimated that 60% of humanpop are already on the path of probation with 40% either resisting the idea of having a soul or with no awareness of ever having had even a sporadic contact with the soul. On the chart, a= apprentice, i = initiate, ap = probationer or apprentice. Status relates to the mission of assisting with the divine plan counteracting the black hats who try theit best to counteract nezdev [consciousNEZ DEVelopment]

The breakdown of the 17 guidelines is as follows:

Greek letters are used cos the intrinsic meanings have such a close correspondence to each of the guidelines as shown here;

Convering from greek we get 14 agathoergéō (from agathós, “intrinsically good” and érgon, “work”) – properly, to do a good work (that is intrinsically good); for the believer, doing what is birthed and empowered by the Lord as illustrated in 1 Timothy 6:18.
A Charge to the Rich
17Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
18That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;
19Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
This ties in nicely with guideline 14 that tells us to keep focussed in the terrain of the soul so we can know and obey the 31 cosmic rules.
05-MAY-21 [9608 DAYS since original message]
Decodes are still tumbling and now we have 3 perspectives illustrating the 17 steps
together the detailled list for each stage.



stage sequence value | Shape AND OR meaning | greek lower, upper | [paraphrase of txt on page[p] # “treatise of white magic” publ. 1934 describing stages of pdev process] (additional meaning of greek letters) | Elegance | |
1 kappa 11,20 | core | k K | god-1 on dim 1 (d1), smallest indivisibe particle = sip = wark = atem | YES | |
2 theta 9,9 | divine essence | (pythagorean tetraktys); ruler of solar sys on d29 | YES | ||
3 theta 9,9 | auric shape of form | q Q | angelgod = 6.0g, atems within atems; causal aura c/o angelgod encompasses hum0n aura | YES | |
4 wow 6,6 | wedded to angelgod | f F | greater/ lesser SOUL-parts ; hum0n = 5.0x, twinned / entangled with angelgod = 6.0g | YES | |
5 gamma 3,3 | dual sproud from stem; single offshoot | g G | idea takes form; [ p91: q and f’s 5 bodies build the tf ; the causal [5.0-5.2]elemenetals and the mental 53-56 elementals assist in grwing the clarity and details of the tf ; when those elementals grow dim, the the 2nd sound goes forth; p93: the tf when completed will embody a part of the divine plan [DP]; p95: energy circulates along the central spinal channel and the nezthread between soul & persona – settinup a resonance between brain & soul; p96: persona sounds 3d-aom and blends it with the hum0n’s sound; steady visualization of the tf brings rapport between brain and hum0n; p101: practice harmlessness.] | YES | |
6 delta 4,4 | direct trajectory | d D | target, send thoughtform {tf} to triangle of brow, heart and throat chakras; [ p151: it is on the retention of breath where we must seize our opportunity; [the tf is breathed forth with a directed trajectory as follows: paraphrase from p151 “the energy needed for the next step is breathed forth and passes into the 3d-etheric body. The tf constructed holding the sketched-out upcoming meditator’s together with the wider purpose of the cosmic plan are breathed forth simulataneously to the brain via the mind”; this stage warrents the cosest consideration and study for us to become conscious creators in mental matter. ] | YES | |
7 u psilon 22, 400 | container; purify content, uterus | u U | purify content of tf; incubate , gestate, vitalize the tf by unifying lower chakra with 48 spokes with the brow chakra with 96 spokes | YES | |
8 tau 21,300 | stretch, extend | t T | extend focus up, down, across; twinned selves 6.0g, 5.0j gaze in 3 directions | YES | |
9 beta 2,2 | binary choice | b B | creating the basis, choosing high 4d: 4.1 and 4.2 | YES | |
10 rho 19,100 | flow outwards, blending energies | r R | [aspirants blend flows between 4.1 & 5.1: initiates blend flows between 5.2 1:0 & 5.2 1:1; the 4d energies ebb and flow; p235: the average student grapples to get beyond this stage; p239: mantra = “let reality guide my every thought and truth be the master of my life”;. p249:”energy follows thought” ; p251: 3 stages (overview): (1) visualize the COMPLETED finished work which does not rely on time or space 2: hum0n learns to be true reflector of the tf as transmitted by angelgod; first practice is to build tf of the manifester as the true server to the divine plan (3) enegy of DP flows thru right eye (divine will) + agap’e-love flows thru throat + hands channel the create energies in 3d; p253: invocation= my inner vision be ours; may the voice speak in benediction; may hands b used only for helpfulness] | YES | |
11 chi 24, 600 | “ichor” (ίχώρ) = energies flowsing in the veins of gods goddesses, “divine-power- foundation.” | x C | (foundation; cross or crosswise); chi = incoming cosmic, solar planetary energies [ p255: the form swells and grows: [261] FUNDAMENTAL FORMS X 4 = 1) FORM OF PERSONA can build 3 new bodies aroun the 3d, 4d and 5.3 nuclei 2) ENVIRONMENTAL FORM entails temporary alonenees; beware of stagnation when saatisfied with a dystopinan environment 3) FORM OF DEVOTEE= frequent clashing with circumstances, while FORM 4 is being built 4) CAUSAL FORM according to the clarity of vision and the depth of inner realizations will be the adequacy of FORM #4; p267: when the purpose appears, the distinction shows between lefhand, righhand tf’s; substance & purpose blended indicate the way of light ] | in progress | |
12 lamda 12,30 | loosen, liberate, release, express; loosening the pull of gravity; “Libertos” (λίβερτος) = liberty; used to reference wavelength | l L | [p271: human gestation analogy = “breaking the waters”; as 4d energies bathe the tf, are absorbed and used; the form increases in strength; let the outer-formbuilders [aka inner-subatomic builders] continue as required, then finish their job and make room for the inner-form builders aka outer-subatomic builders enter on the scene; p273: analogy of breaking of the waters [278] study the blueprints of the divine plan [DP] ; use dynamic energy of purpose & magnetic energy of desire; project tf thru visualization, meditation and skill in action to produce what will demands, love desires and need creates; p279: withdraw the bulders of the outer form and let the inner-subatomic builders of divine will, push it forth to manifest. p389 3 classes of evolutionary devas: VIOLET deva-builders build on 3.0d, 4.6d thru 4.0d [outer-subatomic-builders] GREEN deva-bulders build on mental dims 5.6 thru 5.3 [mid & outer-subatomic-builders] WHITE deva-bulders build on causal dimd 5.0d [divine will] , 5.1d agap’e-love , 5.2d (cosmic law) [inner-subatomic-builders] | in progress | |
13 iota 10,10 | vertical power, tiny, miniscule; Iotees (ἰότης) = by the will of the gods and goddesses. | i,I | p448: when mind dominates over 4d, pdev manifester becomesiseful, the adv manifester becomes dangerous; p455: pdev interior purpose clothes itself in causal, mental, 4d-astral, 3d-astral substance remains potent in 3d as long as (1) it remains consciously in its Cretor’s thought; (2) it keeps a safe distance (3) can be directed to desired location; the 7fold AUM when rightly used by the pdev hum0n on the mental plane vitalizes and expedites tf. p480: Let us employ AUM with frequency and with right thought so that world purification may proceed apace; p504: observe the falling asleep process; | YES | |
14 e psilon 5,5 | essence, quintessence; horizontal orientation of atem | e E | ( -ve pole [top], +ve pole [bot], mid thermal colors – around ligo); p512: if students can learn to use interludes between inbrath, outbreath, they can release the low-vibe substance from their 4 temporary bodies; p525: (1) vitality from 3d-sun (2) agap’e energy from heart of god0 and god1 (3) divine purpose from the cosmic center on d1; p538: emit/ radiate essence of agap’e love to humanity, 6d and lower kingdoms | YES | |
15 ksee 15,60 | universal set in set theory, detachment; ksulamao (ξῠλᾰμάω) =plant or to sow; amao (ᾰμάω) =reap corn. | x X | (Ksenia (Ξενία) = hospitality shown to a guest ); p539: we must recognize the 4 shades of violet of the etheric dims, the 3d central 3d- nucleus (31n) and its 3 subordinate dims 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. When successfully discerned, the 3d-visible form clothes itself and the 4 become the full spectrum 3d.] p544: racial type 5.6 is now in progress of formation.dims 3.0 thru 3.2 ensphered subatomically with 3.4 vibrate with dims d43 thru d45 ensphered subatomiclly by dim d46 the realm of our donor-angelgods. p546: The manifester must function as a causal soul recognizing these 4somes: (1) 3d + 4d + 5.3d + persona in contact with soul (2) soul & angelgod + persona + brain + 49 cosmic energies/ 10 solar energies/ 12 planetary chi ; (3) hum0n, 10 soul+angelgod energies, 3d-body, oneness p557: requirements for precipitation of tf= power; [detachment;avoid criticism of petty frictions ] | in progress | |
16 zeta 7,7 | lightening [zeus]; Zeesis (ζῆσις) = vitalization. Zeelos (ζήλος) = zeal, fervor, spirit | z Z | ( life-spark, thunderbold); p563: the sound swells out; the hour of danger draws near. Danger from fire and flame mences now; Call again on the solar angel [6.0g] for protection. p567: Many fine idea fail to materialize ‘cos of insufficient energy to generate a spark of living flame which must ever bur at teh center of forms. Danger #1: destruction by fire cos of too much energy and too violent a purpose. p568: danger #2: death of tf thu lack of vitality and cos the directed attention is not of adequate strength and duration to bring form into being. Energy follows thought. | in progress | |
17 26,800 | vertical orientation of atem, birth | w W | (hatch from egg); maintain constant contact with soul on 5.0, 5.1, 5.2; p615: aspirant sounds the note to blend fire and water; initiate sounds the note to unify the fires; p618: call to service invites the birth of an affirmative answer; p639: groups of students , working in unison and with deep and unfaltering love for each other can achieve significant results | YES |
9608 days since the original message gives us
the 96 spokes of the brow chakra which splits into 2 and then maps 1 to 1 to the 48 spokes of the 5 lower chakras [4+6+10+12=16}
the 8 points us to step 8 which is teh step taht most pdev manifestors are diligently trying to perfect at this time. The greek translation is 96. adokimos castaway, rejected, rerobate. From a (as a negative particle) and dokimos; unapproved, i.e. Rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally) — castaway, rejected, reprobate. This is a timely reminder of our adversaries who have a vested interest in trying to prevent us from achieving further decodes into ana rea that they like to preserve for themselves. .
03-MAY-21 [+ 4 days]
Learning and practicing pdev manifestation process is a work in progress. Here we show 13 letters with an elegant mapping from greek letter to stage in the process. Of course elegance is subjective – that’s why we’ve left 4 letters to be meditated on – 2 on the 4d-grid and a 2 on 3d-spectrum.
We recommend that you meditate on some one or more of the 4 letters [designated as “in progress” ] on the chart below – in conjunction with skimming over the relevant link as shown here.
For letter chi [5/4d] link here
Fot letter lamda [5/4d] click here

Now for the 2 letters of the 3d spectrum
Consult here before meditation on letter “Ksee”
Consult here before meditation on zeta.
Combine your findings above with the descriptions below and you will soon come up with an elegant solution on how to connect the intrinsic meaning of the 4 greek letters under the spotlight to the actions to be taken in that corresponding stage of the pdev manifest.

Here’s the full list of 17 letters.

4 letters in progress of mapping and 4 days since decode 34.2.
today is may 3rd = 2021-5-3 = 185 on the mayan calendar
points us to here in Matthew 10:16
16Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless [185] as doves. 17But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; 18And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. 19But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
21And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against [their] parents, and cause them to be put to death. 22And ye shall be hated of all [men] for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
23But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
185 akéraios (an adjective, derived from 1 /A “not” and 2767 /keránnymi, “mingled”) – properly, not mixed (mingled); not a destructive mixture because not tainted by sinful motives (ambitions); pure (unmingled), harmless, blameless
We also have the sync between 5-3 on the mayan and 5-3 on the gregorian
mayan symbol #5 for day sign and the 3rd day of the “night-time” trek [13-day wave] starting on 183.
53 hagnós (an adjective, which may be cognate with 40 /hágios, “holy,” properly, pure (to the core); virginal (chaste, unadultered); pure inside and out; holy because uncontaminated (undefiled from sin), i.e. without spoilation even within (even down to the center of one’s being); not mixed with guilt or anything condemnable.
That’s a strong message with both 53 and 185 almost synonyms and a sure indication to incorporate those 2 words into the meditation.
29-apr-21 [+ 8 days]
8 days ago I posted the 15 greek letters denoting the 15 stages of manifestation. Today after 8 days of sketching I hve a visual chart that’s ready to post. I had a rudimentary chart in circulation but that was before the advent of greek letters into the equation and this new one does not bear much resemblance to the previous sketch [2 of 2] in decode 34. Here is the greek-driven version.

I waited 8 days for this visual. 8 is the number of initiation as we jump to a new quantum level.
I must say this new greek version seems like a quantum leap since my first rudimentary attempt on the 24th anniversary of the message. Today is alson 26.29 years since the first message and so the 29 chimes with today’s date the 29th april. Decodes are so much easier since the meaning of greek letters are so well documented compared to the those of the english 26.
It seems to me as a novice in this topic that the order of understanding each step is not so important as plodding thru the 15 steps and ticking off those that make most sense as we go along. For example the first 6 are reasonable easy to understand but when I reach the 4d region the fog and mist is still heavy. So the godeau effect tells me to select the 8 that make most sense and then keep adding to those as I/ we discover more insights.
This is the 2nd decode on the 1st pyramid of numbers from 14-jan 1995. See below for the 1st decode #34 on 14-mar-2019.
A few days ago I took another look at mapping the 15 numbers to the 15 steps as outlined in the “treatise of white magic” published by Alice Bailey in 1934. Like the previous decode i stuck with the approach of counting from the bottom up. My previous intuition was to enumerate the steps from the bottom up but doing it that way was so messy cos 9 steps on the bottom split into 6 on 5d and 3 out the 5 steps on 4d. I decided to translate the letters into greek letters to shed some light on the process as greek is much more amenable to understanding hylozoics and superphysics than is the english variant. The chart looked really messy but i was too busy learning the greek alphabet of 24 to notice just how messy.
The first chart i used had 24 greek letters so i ran with that one and did about 3 separate mediations on the messy sequence of 14 greek letters and the english z=26. That was because my first greek alphabet stretched only to 24 leaving #26 out in the cold. Nevertheless everything looked tickety-boo ‘cos i was focussed more on learning the greek letters than looking at the aesthetic side.
After 5 separate meditations of approx 30 minutes I had perfected the sequence so now I could think about the aestethics. Something was off so i went to the original source for inspiration and read steps 1 and 2 from the treatise. . After about an hour of reading steps 1 and 2 i read the magical sentence that paraphrases into ” this manifestation process works from above” and then the penny dropped with a bright flash. Working down gives me a new elegance that was completely missing before. Counting downwards instead of up gave me 6 steps on 5d spread over 2 levels and then the remaining 9 steps [4d and 3d] are all on the bottom level.
This was a eureka moment but there was a new spanner in the works. About a few hours into teh new build I came across A GREEK ALPHABET OF 27 LETTERS and that meant I had to scap 90% of my work over the previous 3 days. There was no longer any need to intoduce the lone figure of english letter z but it also meant i had to discard 5 of the greek letters from the previous botoms-up sequence and introduce a new set of 6 greek letters for the top-down approach according to the new sequence of 27 letteers..
I’m so glad that i did not spend more time on imprinting the first sequence into my memory cos by finding the 3 extra greek letters. Reshuffling the sequence was a big job with my minimal knowledge of greek alphabets and it took me most of today [21-apr-21] to finish the new sequence so here it is

This decode stretched out over 3 days. I write this on 22 apr 21 at 1:01 am but I calculate elapsed time using yesterdays date since i finished the chart about an hour ago. I first calculate the elapsed days since decode 34. That gives me 828 days which translates into “augustus” the name for the roman emperor. Its also interesting to calculate from the 19th april which is when i started working on the decode. 826 days translates to 826. augazó = shining. Sure enough i have been shining a light on this process for 3 days straight.
The original message was on 14 jan 1995. Calculating the elapsed time since then gives me 26.267 years. Very revealing since the english letter z was center stage in the whole series of decodes over the 3 days. So the 2 decodes on this pyramid are 24.0 and 26.27 years. That series is the same as my series of decodes; 24 letters of greek, then using z=26, then finfing the full 27 greek letter alphabet. Hey presto godeau effect. The new letter 24 is chi pointing me to a gestation analogy and omega comes in as #26 on the extended alphabet where CAPITAL omega is in the shape of the act of giving birth. Next time i try to decode this I’m pushed to look for the birthing analogy but that can wait for another iteration of GODEAU.
DECODE 34 Manifestation in 15 steps
14-jan-2019 = mayan 8 day 125= 8th day of the karma-trek [10]
decode 33 + 7 days and
original pyramid + 24 years
These 2 visuals have been in the works for about 6 weeks or so. I tried a few times to engineer a 15-day interval but on both attempts i was thwarted by having decodes 32 and 33 get in the way. So i decided to make this decode the appropriate decode for the 24 year anniversary – since i started working on my first pyramid. This goes against the long-standing tradition of the unplanned godeau effect so let’s take a look at the unplanned aspect of it.
There are 9 numbers on the bottom of the original pyramid, 6 of these fit in nicely with the decode as follows 2 visuals, 15 rules, 7 days interval, 24 years interval, 5 emotional steps and 10 mental+3D steps. The 3, 6 and 9 also feature prominently on level 3 of the pyramid.
The hierarchy of rules fits nicely into the original pyramid as illustrated here..

this is a good start into gaining some more insights. The relative levels of each rule set does give a stong inication of the relative importance of the 6 mental rules on levels 2 and 3 and the astral and 3d rules on the bottom level.
Today’s mayan date also cooperates with the godeau effect as follows…today is day 125, the 8th day of trek 10 the 13-day trek of karma aspect. The three 5’s blend in with the 15 steps, the 8th day is the day of initiation and the 10th trek points to the 10 strings of every sub-atomic wark as well as 10 being the # denoting “a gift”. Indeed when we learn the process of manifestation we can put all this parts together.. the initiation of gelling all 15 steps into a coherent whole is such a gift to behold. Today is the first day i attempt such a syntheis and i expect results to depend on consistent practice .
As i write this version of “the mission” is playing… getting to grips with the 15 step process is indeed a challenging mission which is expected to take many lifetimes…
Visual one concentrates on the auric fields with a correspondance shown to the subatomic layout. The sequence goes 6 steps on the mental realm, 5 steps on the emotional followerd by the final 4 steps on the 3d realm. My strategy is to meditate on all 15 steps as a coherent whole and then progress to getting more information one step at a time. Then after i have become conversant with the 15 steps, i shall be in a position to try it out in real time with a real target in mind.

Visual 2 gives another insight into how the manifestation process ripples through the subatomic structure

24 years makes me think of this
24 books published by the Tibetan via Alice Bailey.
My 3 favs are
12 Labors of Hercules 1974
Light of the Soul [Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali] 1927
Treatise of White Magic 1934.