ABOUT/DECODE/OVERVIEW 20121sa 2021ws 2020b 2020a 2019b 2019a 2018 2015-2017
19-JUL-21 [19 days since previous decode]
What a treat to have been alive while the chambers were open-air healing chambers as shown here

GIZA PHASE #2 [3 years builds and 1 year pause ]
All the stones needed for this phase were prepared and we could start phase #2. You could call this theis the easy phase compared to what we accomplished in phase #1 and what was waiting for us in phase #3. So because of this the team could enjoy working 4-hour days compared with 7-hour days in the 1st phase. We allocated 3 11-month years for this part of the project and it was sight to behold when we had constructed the initiation chamber out of colored glass with the ceiling open to the atmosphere and cosmic energies. It was another delightful sight to behold to witness the model we made for the grand gallery stretch from course 52 right up to the tippytop on course level 62 also constructed out of colored glass with the ceiling open to the air. See sketch on 5.4 4:5 to get a gist of what it looked like standing on the verdant plateau. At that time we had an ample fresh water supply in the adjacent lake sufficient for the needs of the adjacent city and our hard-working building crew.
virtual stone course #61: 6.0z = 6D intra dim = luminescent pink = tip of grand galleryvirtual stone course #60: 6.1z = 6D intra dim = luminescent pink
virtual stone course #59: 6.2z = 6D intra dim = luminescent pinkvirtual stone course #58: 6.3z = luminescent pink
virtual stone course #57: 6.4z = pink ;
virtual stone course #56: 6.5z = pink
virtual stone course #55: 6.6z = pink;
virtual stone course #54: 6.2+-z = luminescent pink
virtual stone course #53: 6.1+-z = luminescent pink
virtual stone course #52: 6.0+-z = luminescent pink
stone course #51: 5.0z =realm of divine motivation and humon monads = green = floor of initiation chamber
After we paused construction, word got around the known world at that time abnd we had a constant stream of visitors from all ober the Atlantean empire and from the young race 5 developing on the shores of lake Gobi in what is now Krygzsttan.
Those visitors went home telling stories of magical healings takin place in the temporary structures made of colored glass. I venture to speculate that in today’s world, scarcely 5% of visitors to Giza venture inside our astral & initiation chambers and less than 7% of the surrounding residents within a 5 mile radius including Cairo are typically triggered to explore inside. It’s the same reticence that a large chunk of our humonpod have about looking inside their emotional, mental and causal worlds.
At the this pause after phase #2 wea re 82% complete in terms of stones in place so that means only 410,000 blocks needed to complete final phase #3. meanwhile the humonpod dwelling on the surface will have a full year to acquaint themselves intimately with the architecture so far. l
The corbelled niche in the astral chamber shown with the 5 corbels is model of how the circles around a pepple radiate outwrds and also how radiowaves radiate outward expanding according to exact ratio of 1:1.46. Notice how the inner circle initiates on the border between the the 3d nucleus [intra-dim] and the 4d nucleus [inter-dim]. So here we have 6 expaning “citcles” representing the 6 sub dimensional nuclei created around the 3d nucleus. Also the floor level represents the outermost sub dimension of 3d the solid dimension that we know and love so well.
The floor level of the initiation chamber represent the demarcation between 5d and 6d or we might say between the 2 entangled selves. To get into the initiation chamber [yes even in th model version made from colored glass] we must stoop and almst crawl as symbol of humility that we are about to enter the holy of holies where out beloved angelgod resides. the first 3 outer course are those that facilitate the inter-dimensional contact between humon on 5d and his/her angelgod on 6d. Once contact is made we are contacting the lowest 6d subdim 6.6 through th auspices of nez level 5.1 as supervised by angelgod. On the inner walls we have 5 levels, where each ston may weigh up to 15 tons and the crevice between adjacent stone is spo precise that not ene a sheet of standard a4 paper could fit in a would-be crevice. These 5 levels of giant stones equate to the 5 bodies used by humon 4 temporary amnd one permanent for the duration of the humon sojourn. These 5 inner levels of the chamber corresopond to 6 courses on the outside that reach up to 6.4z prior to the ceiling and 6.3z the actual ceiling stone. The ceiling is the comms between angelgod and his/her superior on 7d.
19 days since previous decode is telling cos that’ the course level of the mysterious original entrance. Another 19 in today’s date. Also we are in the 2nd day of the 12th year of the galactic calendar post jan 2013. Rho =19th greek letter denoting outflow. In this case it means the outflow of cosmic energies starting at the top of the pyramid flowing out towards all the other 171 dimensions.
In 820 CE Mamun was able to find the hidden entrance but decided he would blast another way out to confuse future pyramidologists. To this day we use his entrance at course #16 so prying eyes do not get too close to the still hidden original entrance.
Closing the original entrance in the year 820 marked the onset of the dark ages after The Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 exhausted the empire’s resources, and during the Early Muslim conquests of the 7th century, it lost its richest provinces, Egypt and Syria to the Rashidun Caliphate.