ABOUT/DECODE/OVERVIEW 20121sa 2021ws 2020b 2020a 2019b 2019a 2018 2015-2017
16-APR-21 [+348 days]
I noticed that referring to nez levels is neat when we use 400, 500, 700 for 3 of the stages. So here is the revised chart to reflect this notation.

The major jumps go like this
#400 start civilization stage
#505 start cultural stage on 5.6
#554 start 5.5 with reduced 4d
#652 strat cultural stage on 5.5
#700 start classified mental stage
#764 highest mental stage , must choose white lodge or black lodge
#771 congarulations, the causal stage starts
Notice the 100 cultural levels are divided into 2 , where first 5.6 is controlled by 4d, and then 5.5 is controlled by 4d emotions.levels of cultural stages
I waited 348 days to realize the neatness of this notation. For ease of notation, I simply the above like this
400 > 500 > 550 > 650 > 701 > 775 > 776 > 777
348 in greek gives us ἀνακόπτω: to hinder, to beat back, check (as the course of a ship)
That’s exactly what we have to overcome as we climb the ladder.
The min hinrances as enumerated in “Light of the Soul” by Alice Bailey are given in book 2 sutra #3 [page 127]
one major hindrance is ignorance of the hum0n, the divine essence of the human
Overcoming this ignorance entails learning about the 7 modifications of thought [book 2.27]
1.desire for knowledge
2. desire for freedom
3. desire for happiness
4. desire to do one’s duty
5. sorrow
6. fear
7. doubt
03-may-20 [+23 days]
This a revisit of decode 61 which calibrated our progress into 17 steps plus 3 of the dark lodge. I noticed there was a big imbalance in decode 61 cos the stage 3 of decode 61 [now stage #2 in this decode] related to 200 levels but only 1 line on the chart compared to the stage of culture with 100 levels and 4 lines on the chart. You can see my bias for concentrating on the cultural phase with its minimum 4d-nez of 44.
Today i can redress a lot of that imbalance by giving 3 lines for the civilization stage #2 and 3 for the cultural stage #3 repeated twice – each of the 3 at nezdev 56 and then again at nezdev 55. For all 3 lower stages the 4d-nezdev is the dominant one. Only at stage 4 and nezdev 54 does the 5d learn dominance over 4d. There’s no change to the stages related to the members of the DML Again the 3 stages of the DML members – the anti-nezdev lodge of dark magick.
Heres the new chart

Well this is so easy to notice cos we’ve got 23 days of elapsed time and also 23 stages – 20 on the path of light and 3 on the path of darkness.
It’s also 114 days since the last attempt to calibrate the stages of nezdev [decode 61] .
Looking 114 up on the greek gematria chart gives me “to set aside” and i sure like to think i’ve made a noticible upgrade to the chart.
10-apr-20 [+8 days]
Today i was figuring out where to fit the chapter on chakras in the hum0np0d book that i’m writing. Yesterday it was chapter 7 cos of the 7 major chakras but today i shifted it to be chapter 8 and swaped the previous chaper 8 to become chapter 7 – that is the chapter on patterns in history.
Here is the new visual which augments decode 45 on 18-may-2019.

I’ve been posting a lot about the sunshine vitamin over the last few weeks and i’ve been keeping a close eye on Dr Shiva’s twitter account. He’s running for Senate in November and he seems the perfect person to bridge the western scientific method with the intuitive east since he grew up in china until age 8 and became the inventor of email as a 14 year old savant at age 14 in america.
Back to teh visual- Nature as usual organizes itself in triplicities and here we see the 3 way mix taking place in the spinning bell shaped chakra wheels.
Chakra 8 is the spleen complex and consists of teh triangle between the shoulder blades and the spleen. That’s why when weather permits and when i’m jogging in under populated areas, i can hang my shirt around my neck to expose my shoulder blades to the sun. Now with the world population being fed a diet of fear and mania about the risk of catching the corona virus, i’m paying special attention to my sunshine supply. It’s such a travesty that so many uninformed citizens are being misled by authorities who do not understand how we especially need to strengthen our immune systems and so people are being urged to stay at home even in the sunny weather as we exit from the flu season.
I calculated the elapsed time since the original encoded message re the chakras and it comes out as 9014 days which translates to 24.68 years.
1) 2-4-6-8 surely sums up much of my decoding experience…
2 encoded message – on 14th jan 1995 and the chakra message – 201 days later on 6th august 1995.
4 as april and the link in the chain.
6 as the enigmatic 6-petalled chakra
8 as the enigmatic 8th chakra and 8 elapsed days since decode 67.
2) Also 68 symbolizes the day i received the chakra config as 6th august 1995.
3) 24 as the 2nd april being the date of the previous decode.
4) decode 68 is neat since much of the decode has been trying to figure our why Charles Leadbeater caused so much confusion between chakra 6, counting from the crown [sacral ] and chakra #8 the spleen. I suspect it was deliberate to take away some of the unwanted attention from the sexual chakra which indeed gets too much exposure in our overly-heated world of sexuality.
Confirmation quotient is really high on this one.. so no need to look closely at the mayan date.
thank u 6k – today i created a long thought where you feature strongly as #2 in a sequence of 8 and yes i felt our entanglement especially strong today.
2-apr-2020 [+31 days]
I recently came across a second book by Edwin Babbitt and found out what he writes when he wears his MD hat. Up to this i had just seen what he writes when he wears his 3-colored hat of physics/ chemistry/ subatomics.
From his many sketches i was able to arrive at this diagram outlining the highways and byways of the thought circuit.
This prototype for this sketch comes from another masterpiece call “human culture and cure published by Edwin Dwight Babbit. These pictures come from the 1995 edition [in 5 parts]17. [I have not been able to locate the 1887 version with supposedly 6 parts.] Our 3 main subdivisions are waking nez [wkz], supernerz [spz] and subconscious [sbz].
In the the sketch we’ve taken a typical citizen at nez levels 56x and 43x which probably covers up to 49% of the human population. In this case the spz will cover all nez levs above that and supervised by the 6k-self. All experiences going through the waking nez get stored in the cerebellum [sbz] and its outer 4d and 5d auras along with crucial memories abilities and qualities from previous lives which are deemed to be most relevant to the mission at hand.
In the sketch we trace a thought-particle [tp] as it circuits around the highways and byways of the brain indicated by the 9 circled letters (a) through (i).
(a) Overnight we’ve selected 1000+ tp’s for possible processing the following day.
(b) On awaking the will-power frontal lobe sends out mandates while at the same time
(c) the overnight-readied tp’s start to compete with incoming tp’s from the public domain and strongest ones get’s fired out from the electrically-cold frontal lobes in the direction of the cerebellum.
(d) this current of tp’s are attracted to the electrically-warm elements of the 3d/4d cerebellum which then
(e) sends out a modified current of emotionally charged tp’s towards the self-esteem center
(f) They are processed by the self-esteem center for suitability and if suitable are either dropped or
(g) sent onward to the executive center which chooses which motor-nerves need to be fired
(h) from the motor center – meanwhile the tp’s are sent onward back to the frontal lobe from whence they started and
(i) the circuit has been successfully completed.
The more frequent this suite of tp’s circuit around the loop, the deeper will be the “groove” and the more easily will the tp’s be recalled. Because of that it behoves us to have a high quality self-esteem monitor that can stop many of the undesirable and destructive tp’s in their tracks before being able to wreak their havoc.
Well today is the 2nd april 2020 the same day i’ve decoded the brain-nez map. On the mayan calendar it’s day 49 of the 10th circuit. First i’m looking for some connection to circuits, so i look back in time to see if something stands out on day 49 of previous circuits. [5 minutes delay] After searching for some minutes i find in feb 2013 on day 49 of circuit 0 i had a vivid dream of the red planet of Arcturus coming towards myself and my friend – it’s around the same relative size as the moon, then a ladder comes down and touches the earth and i say to my friend “keep calm”.
then the dream ends. Well just in the last few weeks i was invited to join an Arcturian group and have been in contact with 2 members who have close links with them so this spikes my attention. 10 is the elapsed # of circuits since the dream and very fitting to match the 10 strings of the wark – another description of the 10 perfect circuits / loops of the wark.
Of course 49 is the measure of all measures – colors , musical scale, grades of nez and primary dimensions.
The 31 days elapsed time reminds me of decode 45 when i decoded the 31 chakra system so this may point to more mapping to be done in that regard but for now my confirmation quotient is well satisfied.
DECODES 65 & 66- the 42 / 49 names/ aspects of our 6th-dimensional-god
1-mar & 2-mar-2020
Decode 64 was inspired by the esoteric meanings of mayan day signs 53 and 66. That got me thinking about all the various names we have for describing our 6th-dimensional-god and its entanglement with our 5k-m0nad. On the the 1st march i came up with a list of 42 names and considered 42 as significant in as much as it gives us the # of cosmic dimensions before we reach dim 43 [9d] the center of the solar system.
The next day i came back to revisit the names and thought how cool it would be to have 49 names to align with the zero to 6 formulation repeated 7 times so i quickly came up with another 7 names to complete the symmetry. Here’s the result…
The 0-7 formulation fits in with the schematic with the human head at the center of the matter. At first i had located #0 at the center of the head space but really to maintain the symmetry #3 around the head space should be in the center so i’ve revamped the orginal headspace diagram to keep it aligned with each set of 7 names where #3 plays a central role in the grouping.
The alignment that shouts out is the sync between the decode number 65 and 66 with the mayan symbol 66 [inspiration of decodes 64-66] and the lowest 2 sub-dimensions of our 6d-god.
Also i started working out the 49 names on the 1st march = 10/17 on the mayan calendar very indicative of the 10 stages and 17 steps of nezdev that we have already covered.
DECODE 64- aligning the 20 mayan symbols
29-feb-20 = 6 days after decode 63
The mayan symbols have always come in many variants the simplified ones and the complex ones. Since 1997 i’ve been using the simplified ones but around 3 weeks ago i studied closely for the first time the complex version of the symbol for day 66 – the human journey and the human skull [ see part 2 of 8] and lo and behold it fitted right into the alfobedic theory of evolution that i’ve been formulating decode by decode over the last several years based on many structures such as those
1) of the smallest indivisible particle as sketched in 1878 and 1896 by Edwin D Babbit
2) of the giza pyramid
3) of the most sacred symbol of the ancient world – the tetraktys
4) of the pomegranate [the fruit of knowledge]
5) of the dynamics of the fig and fig wasp [the tree of life]
And now after this decode 64 i can add the 6th item to that list
6) of the mayan symbols for the 20 day-signs.
Because this is decode 64 i surmise that in the future [universe willing] i may be able to add the 7th item to include the 64 hexagrams of the i ching.
This decode comes in 8 parts. Here is part 1 …

Next we take a look at the 2 common symbols for “kimi” known as the the human journey and the human skull

The symbol on the left was the key into the intricate knowledge of the mayans about the cycle of lives and the structure of 6d and the 3 human dimensions. Here it is…

Here the multiple colors on the left tell us how the tripod of 5k controlling its 3 nuclei all spring to life to build 3 new bodies around each of the nuclei and a fourth temporary body [up] with the potential to integrate the mostly unwieldy 3 lower bodies. Now it’s time to look at day sign 53 which symbolizes our 6th-dimensional god with its 49 names and aspects [see decodes 65 and 66] , but indeed it also symbolizes every wark in any of its 171 guises – 49 at the dimensional level and their 122 sub-dimensions. This symbol i’ve had to rotate 90 degrees from it usual orientation to get the desire effect. Here it is ..

This symbol also sometimes called 11:11 gives us a great analogy for the 4 major strings of the wark’s 10 strings. Now we can combine my 2 favorite symbols of the day-signs 53 and 66 to illustrate the entanglement between the 2 major players in our 3d-life experience – 5k-hum0n and 6k-subst0n. Here it is …

Here we see the 6k-subst0n in the middle built around its 7d-nucleus color-coded in blue. On the right we have “ours” truly ” our 5k-hum0n shown as being built around its own 6d-nucleus colored in pink. i like to call this 53-66 -53 to denote the 53’s as representing the 2 major players center stage in our 3d-lives and the 66 represents the symbiosis and entanglement between them. This diverges slightly from my usual naming convention to consider the day-66 symbol as 5k and 53 as 6k. 53 is indeed the generic symbol for all monads but of course it’s natural to give 6k it’s p[ride of place as being our nearest and dearest god. Now it’s time to take a look at the 12 kingdoms …

On the left we see the robotic k1, k2 and k3 elementals work their way down through the mind and emotional grades. A graphic way to think about this is to consider the k1-elementals joining into our thinking processes and learning to mimic us – the good and the bad – bit like how our 6 year imitates our sentences without understanding what they mean. . Likewise the 4d-emotional elementals , many of which come from the food we eat – will join in to mimic our emotions and even practise their own agenda when that is not often in our own best interest. Ever get that feeling of rage that is so uncharacteristic of our normal behavior?
So by eating fruit and veg we can accelerate the evolution of k3-elementals [emotional] and 4d-plant monads that could mean that by eating animal 4d-bodies we are also helping those animal monads to evolve. However that certainly does not mean that those 4d-animal bodies in any way help our own 4d and 5d evolution.
Next batch of 3 day signs gives us the insight into the hierarchy of the aspects – notice the 2-2-2 formation as we move up the hunam racks where the top level kicks in when we’ve mastered the human syllabus.

the top symbol characterised by the 3 T’s
tree – absorbing our carbon dioxide and gives clean oxygen
telepathy – with or without the tongue movement
tempest – the cosmic, solar and planetary chi energizing our atoms.
the eye of the eagle symbolizes the light of seeing
venus was the most important planet / star for the mayans. it represents the 6d realm of agap’e [unconditional] love and [concscious]nez
Notice how the pattern occurs 3 times as we move up through the levels
1. refine the quality of our tubes and ducts of matter
2. refine the quality of the smaller warks flowing thru the ducts amd tubes
3. refine the motive behind our thoughts and actions.
Now it’s the grand finale – the last 3 symbols are those that illustrate the 3 elusive laws that we usually discover bit by bit over hundreds of lifetimes..

the symbol of day 144 is called typically the seed or net.
here are 2 interpretations
1. we can see a “seed” ready to fall into the net that may or may not catch it depending on the size of the seed. Imagine the seed is the incoming cosmic solar and planetary energies passing through the tubes and ducts. Many of the energies will be too coarse to penetrate into the tube or duct and will just bounce off. Many will be too refined to get stopped and pass right through. If our “nets” are calibrated well , then we have a chance to intercept the energies and have them course their way through the tubing.
Of course once trapped inside our warks, we can use these incoming energies for constructive or destructive purposes.
The other 2 symbols are very enigmatic and so far i have not made much progress with an interpretation.
Th law of plus-minus has many names eg karma, causality, cause & effect, compensation and recompense. The next diagram shows the law in its sense of making recompense where the past sets up the future opportunity that will be embraced or rejected in the present.

Here we see some examples of undeserved gifts being received. In this example the opportunity to make recompense is taken and soon that chain of minus 160 points can be archived – no longer on our current account.
For example we could be removing ourselves from an adversatorial situation and manage that without and desire for revenge or to show rancour but rather we keep sending love to those who have hurt us in the past.
Well 6 days from the previous decode is also the leap day we see only once every 4 years and to emphasize the 4 ,we align with decode 64 [4 x 4 x 4]
the alfo-b theory stared out with just the lower and higher minds, then lasy year [2019] evolved to denote 4 variants mind-1 to mind-4 and now here i take this as confirmation for the latest enumeration of 7 variants as shown in the diagram decode 64 – 3 of 8.
6 also points us at the 2 groups of 3 – the 3 laws L1-L3 each with its dual aspects and the 3 aspects A1-A3.
The I ching connection prompted me to look up the meaning of hexagram 20 and noticed it ties in with mayan symbol #20. I highlighted the principle numbers of the mayan decode on the 8 x 8 grid as follows. The proximity of dimensional and sub-dimensional numbers is interesting. i must admit this is the first time i’ve seriously looked at the meaning of the hexagrams.
I must put any further ideas on the back burner until i meet up with another strong prompt. Here is the grid that i came up with …

DECODE 63- config for our hum0np0d of 60 billion of unique hum0ns.
23-feb-20 = 21 days after decode 62
For the last month, I have been meditating on and off on the 36 profiles that Henry Laurency analyzes in chapter [14.21] of his 2,500 page treatise.
On friday 21st feb i was on the train on my back from London when i made my first serious attempt to connect the dots. Have you wondered why 7+ billions of us are ever so unique. Yesterday [saturday] i posed that very question and wondered if these 36 profiles would be a way to prise the answer open.
Yesterday my first draft of the formula gave me a result of 60.5 billion which was very pleasing but today i had to proof check the config and formulaeand after some tweaking i arrived at the figure 60.354 billion.
i was even more pleased to get closer to my 60b target. Here is the config…

Here are the assumptions made
1) there are 3 motives
a) #1= connection with the causal body [sporadic or sustained] via highest emotional levels 41/42 and optionally via classified 5d levels 53/54
b) #2 = hum0n has not yet reached 4d levels 41/42 and so has not yet made sporadic contact with causal-soul
c) #3 = hum0n has control over whole 4d gamut 41-46 and has reached highest classified 5d level [53] , has decided to work against hum0n [conscious]nezdev[elopement] and so has deliberately disconnected from his/her causal body
2) there are 7 depts – in each epoch of 2,500 years only 5 are in use by the causal body, all 7 are used as primary or subsidiary for the other 4 bodies
3) we have 5 bodies – as well as being ruled by its primary dept , our causal body has one of a possible 4 subsidiary depts, the other 4 bodies can have any of the other 6 departments as subsidiary ; typically any one individual will have an average distribution of 3 or 4 different primary depts [minimum 2 and max 5] across all 5 bodies
4) PB/SB: pb = personal-best nez level over all previous lifetimes, sb = seasonal best so far in this lifetime
5) 3d, 4d and the three 5d groupings each has its own nez level, here’s a typical upgrade we could be well satisfied to achieve in a single lifetime : sb[3d] = pb +1 level; sb[4d] = pb + 1 level; sb[5d] = pb+ 1 level; in the chart that would counts as 3 levels
6) typical spreads of levels across all hum0ns [considered in a series of 7 lifetimes] =
5d[motive#1] = 3; 5d[motives#2 #3] = 4; 4d-control[motives #1 & #2 #3 ] =40; 3d=60;
typical spread of nez levels across 80% of hum0ns =
5d= 3; 4d-control= 10; 3d=6
The first thing that strikes me is that friday the day i started out on the quest to come up with a solution to the 60 billion question was the the 21-feb – day 8 of the mayan calendar when the mayans celebrate abundance and what could be more abundant than working out the permutations that would make each of us so unique.
It’s decode 63 and 21 elapsed days which both fit nicely with the final figure of 60, 354, 201, 600.
603 > 63 decode #
354 > the 3 depts used most sparingly
600 > 60 billion
201 > 21 elapsed days
also mayan day 9 [saturday] gives us another alignment of 22-feb = 22/2/20202 [mayan 9/251] and that means that both decodes 62 [2/2/2022] and this decode [mayan 10/10] are equidistant from day zero of the mayan calendar.. that’s such a neat piece of symmetry.
Of course i’m not so presumptuous as to think that i’ve got the forumae right but i can still derive some comfort that i might be on the right track.
Dept#1 = ruler/ leader/ orator/ demagogue/ manager
Dept #2 = educator/teacher/ carer/first responder/ manager/ philosopher
Dept #3 = psychologist/ activist/ synthesist
Dept #4= warrior/
artist/musician/writer/farmer/ media
Dept#5= scientist/ love of numbers/ technician/ inventor/ health workers [specialists & holistic]
Dept#6 = devotee to religion, political or social ideology or to scientific materialism/
altruist / dogmatist / satanic cult member/ altruist/dogmatist
Dept#7 = merchant/ sales/ blue collar/ office/organizer/financier
Auspicious matches between body and dept.
causal; depts 1-3,7
integrator of the 3 lower bodies: depts 1-5, 7
classified & intellect: depts 4,5
emotional: depts 2,6
3d-body [both parts] : depts 1, 3, 7
DECODE 62- decoding the cross-section of the pomegranate
2-feb-20 16 days after decode 61b
Thanks to a rotten segment of my pomegranate to salvage as much as i could, i had to slice it open at right angles to the usual alignment with the crown on top and hey presto, i got a pleasant surprise. Here’s the photo and analogy…

Even though i had sliced off the rotten part, the still healthy half revealed a treasure trove. The six orbital paths are so easy to visualise. I have been using the fruit from the tree of knowledge as a an analogy to explain the enigmatic structure of matter ie fruits within fruit pointing us to atoms with atom and only 5 years later have i become aware of its pointer to the 6 orbitals within that structure of matter. I’m not sure how common this perfect symmetry is, but i will be on the look out for more specimens.
This is after an elapsed span of 16 days which i immediately interpret to mean
1) 1+6 i.e. the nucleus and it 6 orbitals and this repeats 6 times to give us
2) yet another version of the [1+6] = 1 ie the center containing 7 nuclei and 6 shells around them each shell containing 6 orbitals. [total config of 1 + 48]
3) that means 1 nucleus and 16 quarks [there goes the 16 days elapsed time]
4) on the gregorian date we have another alignment of 2’s … 2-feb-2020 > 2/2/2020.
On the mayan calendar the current period of 13 days is my favorite period for memorable events the last one of the calendar with 9 days remaining until the calendar resets. This spin is no exception.. thank you once gain most informative fruit of knowledge.
DECODE 61b- decoding the 17 points [2 of 2]
17-jan-2020 7 days after decode 61
In the last decode i aligned 17 steps of nezdev to the 17 points of the tetractys and i was pleased it gave us 10 stages to boot. I started indicating the 17 points on both perspectives side by side – the sub atomic and the world of forms. When i was sketching the 34 points it caught my attention that it would be neat if the three circles aligned to 3, 7 and 7 to match the 3d, 4d and 5d worlds. After about an hour of experimentation, i came up with a solution which you can see here…

I continued with the sequence to make the 17 steps more understandable by giving the notation in part 2 of 4 as shown here…

Now part 3 will make more sense and we can see the elegant split 3-7-7 plays into the 3 human dimension..

Well the 7 days elapsed time is a theme of this decode ie the 7 warks in each atomic shell. The thing to catch my attention was the 2377 days mentioned in the last decode which comes into a sharper focus here ie the modified diagram showing the perspectives – the subatomic formation of 7-7-3 [inner 5d to outer] 3d and the forms formation of 3-7-7 [inner 3d to outer 5d] .
This reminds me of the eureka moment when i discovered the number of warks in a 33-wark across 4 worlds being a factor of 613 courtesy of the pomegranate.
greek 2377 = thuróros = doorkeeper
greek 613 = apokruptó = hidden , kept secret
The door keeper of the door to the hidden secrets has just opened up a little chink so that i can peek in …
DECODE 61- decoding the 17 points of the tetractys
10-jan-2020 10 days after decode 60
On the 10th jan, i was reading “the divine plan” published by Geoffrey Barborka in 1961 and was intrigued to see that he mentioned there were an additional 7 mathematical points implied in the tetractys giving us a total of 17 points. This spiked by interest cos Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and associated with the highly classified knowledge being published on the site qmap.pub. Very apposite that we are delving into the the symbol most revered by the Pythagoreans and surely containing a ton-load of highly classified knowledge that we haven’t deciphered yet.
I searched the internet for some geometrical presentations of the tetractys and found a great illustration to shed more light on the subject which i have used in the parts 1 and 2 of the decode. [see below] . I’m writing this up on the 12th jan and have just spent the last 10 mins searching for the original sketch. Apologies to the author but i hope to stumble across it at a later date.
So instead i’ll gives these 3 references:
tetractys and the subatomic wark
Very soon after looking at the geometrical illustration, i could see the 7 hidden points , all points on a 3rd innermost circle. This is a super bonus when it comes to explaining the concept of atoms within atoms.
I’ve been researching the various stages of nezdev for 6.5 years now and have come up with many diverse formulations but none that have been really were ultra-convincing. But on the 10th jan i made the association of the 17 cryptic points of the tetractys with 17 steps of nezdev. Out of the expected 777 levels of nezdev, i guess that i could denote around a couple of hundred of them, so it’s an easy exercise for me to choose a subset of 17.
It turns out that the 17 steps i selected can be easily divided into 10 stages.
here they are in 3 parts…

The 10th day of 2020 and 10 days since the last decode fits in with the defining 10 points of the sacred tetractys. Looking back i can identify 8-jul-2013 as the my first initiation into the mathematics of hylozoics and nezdev. That gives me an elapsed 2377 days which neatly breaks down as follows
2 perspectives [world of forms and the world of subatomics]
3 = the outer circle]
7 = the central circle
7 = the innermost circle
that’s sure good enough for now to satisfy my confirmation quotient.