godeau/analagies/pomegranate 1
Hebrew legend tell us that when we dream of a pomegranate being split open then the researchers among us may expect some major insights into the knowledge of realitywhile those too busy with day to day survival may expect extra help to solve the average 613 important challenges encountered over their lifetime. Indeed our task is to solve these challenges in the proper fashion i. e. using our own powers of self activation and reliance and not leaning unnecessarily on others to solve our problems for us.
Hebrew tradition tells us that the large-size pomegranate contains on average 613 arils arranged in often in 6 compartments. In the following we’ll see what this number 613 can tell us when it comes to decoding subatomic structure.
Here’s an overview of how important the pomegranate is over the previous 30,000 years.
The ancient Greeks dating from 6k BCE
In the Greek myth of Persephone’s abduction by Hades, lord of the underworld, the pomegranate represents life, regeneration, and marriage. One day while she was out with her friends, Persephone felt a trembling beneath her feat and heard a rumbling. The ground split open and Hades, God of the underworld, appeared driving a chariot. He snatched Persephone and took her back into the earth with him. The ground closed up again with a huge roar and all that was left of Persephone was a bunch of flowers on the ground.
Demeter searched everywhere, but she could not find her daughter. For days and days she looked for Persephone. Her grief was so great that the earth began to grow cold and all the green things died. There was no food, and a terrible hunger came to the people.
In the underworld, meanwhile, Persephone came to see that Hades wasn’t as scary as she first thought. He had been so lonely in the underworld, he told her of his longing to keep her there with him. Persephone missed her mother and the bright world above ground. But her new status as Queen of the underworld and her love for Hades gave her reason to stay with him. She believed that she had important work to do deep under the ground.
Demeter had finally learned where Persephone was. She insisted that she be returned to her. Hades sadly hitched his horses to his chariot and prepared to take Persephone back. But before they left, he offered Persephone one last thing to eat – a ripe, blood red pomegranate. Looking him in the eye, Persephone took six seeds and ate them.
They went back above ground, up through a crack in the earth. Persephone threw herself into her mothers arms, joyous to be reunited. The earth again grew rich with flowers and the sun shone once more. But, because Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds, it was decided that for six months of each year, she must return to the underworld with Hades and winter would come to the world. In spring she would once again return to her mother, allowing the earth to bloom.
Zoroastrianism dating from 30k BCE
In Persian mythology Isfandiyar eats a pomegranate and becomes invincible. In “The Persian War” Herodotus mentions golden pomegranates adorning the spears of warriors in the Persian phalanx.
The pomegranate was revered for the beauty of its shrub, flowers, and fruit—symbolising sanctity, fertility, and abundance. The Song of Solomon compares the cheeks of a bride behind her veil to the two halves of a pomegranate.8 Depictions of the fruit have long featured in architecture and design. They decorated the pillars of King Solomon’s temple and the robes and regalia of Jewish kings and priests.
Along with the citrus and the peach, the pomegranate is one of the three blessed fruits. In Buddhist art the fruit represents the essence of favourable influences. In Buddhist legend the demoness Hariti, who devoured children, was cured of her evil habit by the Buddha, who gave her a pomegranate to eat. She is depicted in Buddhist art holding a child. In Japan she is known as Kishimojin and is invoked by infertile women.
In China the pomegranate is widely represented in ceramic art symbolising fertility, abundance, posterity, numerous and virtuous offspring, and a blessed future. A picture of a ripe open pomegranate is a popular wedding present.
A symbol of resurrection and life everlasting in Christian art, the pomegranate is often found in devotional statues and paintings of the Virgin and Child.
In medieval representations the unicorn is seen with pomegranate seeds dripping their blood red juices on his milk white body. Wild and uncontrollable by nature, unicorns can be tamed only by virgins. Once tamed, the unicorn was held in an enclosed garden and chained to a pomegranate tree, symbolising the impending incarnation of Christ.
The heavenly paradise of the Koran describes four gardens with shade, springs, and fruits—including the pomegranate. Legend holds that each pomegranate contains one seed that has come down from paradise. Pomegranates have had a special role as a fertility symbol in weddings among the Bedouins of the Middle East. A fine specimen is secured and split open by the groom as he and his bride open the flap of their tent or enter the door of their house. Abundant seeds ensure that the couple who eat it will have many children.
Medicinal uses
Preparations of different parts of the plant—flower, fruit juice, rind, bark—have been used for a wide variety of conditions, including ulcers, ears, nostrils and genitals, flagging gums and loose teeth.
There are 7 shells of 6 atems each and an innermost 8th shell of 6 kappa-atems where the Greek letter kappa is the precursor of the English k and means core. Those 6 kappa-core atems serve as the core-kappa for each of the 6 outer shells.
The notation goes as follows:
core =k = 1 atem; inner shell of kappas = k6 = 6 kappa-atems; inner core “ik” = k + k6 + ik = 1+6+6 =13 = 13
6 outer shells have 6 atems each = 36
total atems in config = 1 + 48 = core + 48 orbitals = core + 16 quarks = core + 8 twin-quarks
outer core forms a stable config of inner core + 6 outer shells
First we focus on the outer 6 shells of 36 atems so elegantly illustrated by our unpeeled pomegranate rearranged in the atomic orbits. The ice-atems are arranged in their stable config of 49 atems making up one arc. We illustrate these solid-atems as arranged in their stable config of 49 solid-atems and functions very much like what we call an atom.
One 3.5 liquid hydrogen atom has one 3.5-proton, one 3.5-neutron and one gaseous 3.4 electron
proton, neutron has 3 quarks each; quark has 3 atems = smallest independent particle on each dimension
so that means each hydrogen liquid-atem has 18 liquid subatOmic atEms
One 3.5 liquid oxygen atom has 8 protons and 8 neurons of type 3.5 and 8 electrons of type 3.3 giving us 144 oxygen subatomic atEms on 3.5d. So one atom of water has 180 subatOmic atEms
36 atems of Hydrogen [2 proton + 2 neutrons] + 144 atems of oxygen [8 protons + 8 neutrons]
The electrons are approximatel 49 times smaller than the proton and operate on the next innermost dimension subatomically.
So in the following the subatomic world, we follow the fate of the 3 atems of the ice and water core-molekules remembering that we are peeking inside the engine room of the atom. The engine room works in multiples of 49 but when we reach the atomic level that talk about in out textbooks then the combinations are according to atomic numbers. So in this case the 98 solid atems of the ice-hydrogen and the 49 solid atems of the ice-oxygen will assemble 180 atems of water and ice respectively into their familiar arrangement. One rule of 49’s for subatomic atems and and another combination for the atomic shape according to atomic numbers.

This pomegranate serves as the analogy for 2 hydrogen atems or the oxygen atem joined together to form a subatomic core molecule of water, ice or steam. So when we say solid and liquid we refer to 2 hydrogen and one oxygen atems in the solid, liquid or steam state at the subatomic level. Here we see the analogy of the opened pomegranate showing the 36 solid subatomic atems of the 6 outer shells which will spill open when the ice is heated. This is part of the story, cos we must reveal where the other 13 solid atems of the ice and water-atems are hiding so that we can arrive at the stable config of the full complement of 147 ice atems i.e 98 hydrogen ice-atems and 49 oxygen

Here we see that the inner core contains the missing 13 atems completing the stable config that is the full complement of 49 atems at the subatomic level – the core and its 16 quarks where 2 quarks form a set of 6 atems.
When ice is heated above zero degrees Celsius, the the 3 ice cores dissolve spilling out their 147 liquid atems and then the 3 core liquid atems deputize for the 3 core ice atems that have disappeared.
When heated below zero, each config of 147 liquid atems will become repackaged as an ice molekule with its new skin reengineered. So far we’ve accounted for 48 orbitals, 8 shells of 6 representing by 432 arils [ 8 * 54] . That leaves 181 remaining. Well that is easily explained by the 180 atems needed for 1 ice, water or stem atom and the central core holding the 48 orbitals in place.
One single pomegranate from the tree has its monad on dim 49. We may truly say the core atem of the pomegranate monad that has its unbroken chain all the way back to the it secondary source on dim 46, then back to its solar source on dim 43 and then right back to it cosmic source on dim 1.
Now we continue into what subatomic secrets the 613 can continue to teach us.

This combination starts of with the outermost nucleus of the cosmos – 3d-nucleus – the nucleus of our very familiar 3d world. We’ve counted the total # of atems inside the 3 sdims that make up our solid, liquid and gaseous worlds. The 3d world is a special formula of 2 inter-dependent worlds – the dense world of 3.6/ 3.5/ 3.4 = solid/ liquid / gaseous is really a replica of the 3 sdims called 3.3, 3.2 and 3.1 leaving 3.0n aka 3n as the nucleus for both symbiotic halves of 3d.
The easiest way to get the idea is to consider what happens when we start off with a single atem of ice 3.6u. We heat this atem and hey presto we break the bonding process and the 49 atems of liquid type are free to forrm into their liquid size and shape. Now we add a little more heat and lo and behold we witness each of those
49 atems discarding their skin and breaking loose into
2401 atems of type 3.4 with their characteristic gaseous size and shape. We started off with
1 atem of type 3.6 and now we have discovered
49 atems of type 3.5 insise each 3.6 atem and then we discover
2401 smaller atems of type 3.4 all held together by their
1 central nucleus 3.0n aka 3n.
Nature is precise in how it obeys the immutable laws and here we get a tiny glimse into some of that mathematical precision where the folklore of the average 613 arils inside the average-sized fruit is elegantly yet another average of atems involvesd across the 4 atem types 3d-nucleus 3.0, 3.4 gaseous, 3.5liquid and solid 3.6. Multiplting the average by 4 gives us the total 2542 atems involved. This feels like game, set and match. This is how the cosmos speaks – giving us opportunies to find the hidden clues and the law of self-activtion is well endorsed.