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30-mar-21 [+36 days since decode 94]
In decode 94, the 72% ratio of the Persians seemed out of character and i attributed that to the fact that it exactly aligned with the start of Pisces. However i took another look and i realized that i had combined the persian pioneer kings of kings [Cyrus, Cambyses, Darius First ] with Pericles and this already bent the pattern, so i rearranged the chart of nations & empires to place Pericles along with Pythagoras as part of the preparation phases. This new split worked really well cos we arrive at 63.7% instead of the previous 72% and this is so close to the average ratio of 61%. On the chart, we’ve covered an elapsed time of nations and empires covering 951 years. If we add King Arthur onto that as preparing the way for the British empire from 400 to 448 then that gives us almost 1000 years. Then we’ve got a gap from 480 to 1620. I haven’t analyzed these 1100+ years but i suspect we would find a very different ratio between the pdels:adels something like 15:85 – no wonder we call them the dark ages.
Of course to make the ratios work we need to look at the ratios between the elite members of
both factions. I estimate that ratio to be as follows
61% nation building phase = 400 pdels : 200 adels
15% pdels during dark ages = 50 pdels: 200 adels
Now we need to look at the corresponding ratios of the respective followers of both elites. I estimate that to be as follows:
61% nation building phase = 20% pdel supporters [high profile] : 15% adel supporters
15% pdels during dark ages = 15% pdel supporters [low profile] : 20% adel supporters
Here’s the revised chart:

36 days since the last decode of ebbs and flow and just a smidgeon away from the measure of a generation 35.7 years as given in 70 generations in an epoch of 2500 years.
22-feb-21 [+5 days]
Patterns of history can be elusive unless we look at the epochal perspective of 2500 years = 70 generations. Looking at this chart the ratios come out pretty equal when we consider Britannia and the world economic forum as playing on the same team.
persian+greek 72% white hats [pdels]
greek+macedonia 60% white hats
rome 60% white hats
anglo-roman-germanic-usa 64% white hats as of today 22feb-2021
It sure looks like change is immanent.
Here are the charts

22-feb points us to duality set up by the plan of nez
On the mayan calendr it’s the 11th day of the human bluprint wave where 11 symbolizes a breakthru in a stalemate.
5 days since the last code and 5 empires under the spotlight
17-feb-2021 [+8 days]
The tripod concentrates the structure of the 4 temporary bodies. Now we use the tripod to expand how these 4 bodies are connected to the soul.
You will see that the central issue is
1) whether intent is stoh or sots
2) the 4 permutations of the emotional-mental composite – 2 that can connect to the soul and 2 that cannot.
Here is teh chart

8 days since the previous decode
8 permutations as follows using 2 boxes on the left and 2 boxes on the right
left hand side 5.5 stoh :
left hand side 5.6 stoh :
left hand side 5.5 sots:
left hand side 5.6 sots:
right hand side 5.3 stoh :
right hand side 5.4 stoh :
right hand side 5.3 sots:
right hand side 5.4 sots:
5.6 = lowest to low intellect ruled by 4d
5.5 = high to highest intellect ruled by 4d
5.4 = learning to control 4d
5.3 = control of 4d attained
9-feb-2021 [+8 days]
Tripod is one of the best analogies for illustrating the four temporary human bodies built for each of us when it’s time to appear once again on earth as a surface dweller.
It looks like the notation has finally settled to one compatible to the popular definitions of 4/5d. Decode 89 was originally using 51 instead of 5.1 , 43 instead of 4.3 etc.. I’ve just revised it to bring it into line with this decode 91.
The notation of 42, 54, 36, etc was causing the mismatch between 4d and 5d in common parlance but no more since the range 5.0 thru 5.6 fits neatly into the 5d of popular vernacular. This was hidden from me for so long so i must look at the godeau effect to see why it took me so long to discover what seems no so glaringly obvious.
this chart i have revised to use 4.4 instead of the “old” 44 albeit 1 day old !!

The mayan day is 101 of spin 11. It makes me think that i may have stumbled on nez 3.101 instead of nez 3.1 as the name of the theory but i need to get some feedback on that before jumping onboard. One-oh-one symbolizes the course # for the introductory course for a given topic and that sits well with me albeit if it is the intro course to an extremely unfamiliar subject. Course 101 for the theory of nezdev 3.101 . This might well explain why i was so slow to discover what now seems so obvious.
The secret to teaching unfamiliar concepts is to latch on to an existing concept and dividing 5d into the range 5.0 thru 5.6 sure fits the bill.
8 days since the last decode points me to pointing out that the outer strings represent the plus and minus poles of the core of the wark giving us a unity of the 3 inseparable aspects / strings and that leaves us with 7 minor strings plus the divine unity.
Thank you my nearest and dearest angelgod 60g aka g460 for helping me to see the light of notation.