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DECODE 62- decoding the cross-section of the pomegranate
2-feb-20 16 days after decode 61b
Thanks to a rotten segment of my pomegranate to salvage as much as i could, i had to slice it open at right angles to the usual alignment with the crown on top and hey presto, i got a pleasant surprise. Here’s the photo and analogy…

Even though i had sliced off the rotten part, the still healthy half revealed a treasure trove. The six orbital paths are so easy to visualise. I have been using the fruit from the tree of knowledge as a an analogy to explain the enigmatic structure of matter ie fruits within fruit pointing us to atoms with atom and only 5 years later have i become aware of its pointer to the 6 orbitals within that structure of matter. I’m not sure how common this perfect symmetry is, but i will be on the look out for more specimens.
This is after an elapsed span of 16 days which i immediately interpret to mean
1) 1+6 i.e. the nucleus and it 6 orbitals and this repeats 6 times to give us
2) yet another version of the [1+6] = 1 ie the center containing 7 nuclei and 6 shells around them each shell containing 6 orbitals. [total config of 1 + 48]
3) that means 1 nucleus and 16 quarks [there goes the 16 days elapsed time]
4) on the gregorian date we have another alignment of 2’s … 2-feb-2020 > 2/2/2020.
On the mayan calendar the current period of 13 days is my favorite period for memorable events the last one of the calendar with 9 days remaining until the calendar resets. This spin is no exception.. thank you once gain most informative fruit of knowledge.