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13-JULY-2022 [1841 days since decode 5]
Today is 14th July 2022 and yesterday I paraphrased part of page 33 in the book
Venusian Health Magic” by Michael Barton and Valiant Thor. Publ 1959 and 2016.
I paraphrase from page 33
“The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the pages we read are permeated with lifetrons and also surrounded by lifetrons.
Electrons are Ltrons and lifetrons specializing in magneto-electrical phenomena such as magnetism, gravitation, the weather, atmosphere, strosphere and creation of subatomic atems.. They are the building blocks which the universe uses to construct and rejuvenate subatomic atems on the 49 elder dims and the 122 younger dims.
Vitrons are Ltrons and Lifetrons specializing in electro-magnetics phenomenon such as mind, soul-mind, feelings, sensation, emotions and reincarnation.
Lifetron/ Ltron is the Smallest Independent Particle on each of the 49 elder dims and on each of their younger dims each with its unique density and size on each dim.
Ltron is an Etron or Vtron on d1[innermost] thru d49.5 [next to outermost subatomic atem]
Lifetron is an Electron or Vitron on d2[next to innermost] thru d49.6 [utermost subatomic atem]
Ltrrons and Lifetrons are also called sips, warks, subatomic atems.
on d49.3 qurak has 3 warks.
sip = smallest independent particle on each dimension
High quality Ltrons and Lifetrons are breathed out in every direction from the galactic center. Many trillions of lifetrons permeate our bodies as they replace depleted electrons and vitrons in our SUBATOMIC atems while trillions more in our vicinity are free agents roaming aimlessly around ready and willing to jump to the attention of our conscious instructions. Much like the trillions of air particles in our vicinity that become available for us when we choose to consciously breathe deeply instead of shallowly.
As we learn to consciously attract more and more lifetrons into our bodies, they become our best helpers to bring us enhanced health and vitality.
We call them lifetrons for once we consciously augment our automatic quota by attracting an abundance of them into our body those enlistments gladly obey our instructions to bring an abundance of vitality and harmony into the local scheme of things. Each electron has its vitron counterparts and so both types of lifetron work in sync.
Lifetrons and Ltrons are used to distinguish between lifetrons/ Ltrons on adjacent dimensions where Ltrons are on the inner adjacent and lifetrons are on the outer adjacent dimension. If talking about a single dimension d2 – d49.5 then the terms are interchangeable.
On dimensions d0 [oceamic Ltrons] and the innermost cosmic d1 Ltron is used.
On the outermost dimension d49.6 = 3.6d lifetron is used.

Etrons and ELECTRONS are Ltrons and lifetrons specializing in magneto-electrical phenomena such as magnetism, gravitation, weather, atmosphere, stratosphere and creation of subatomic atems.. They are the building blocks which the universe uses to construct and rejuvenate subatomic atems on the 49 elder dims and the 122 younger dims.
Vtrons and VITRONS are Ltrons and Lifetrons specializing in electro-magnetics phenomenon such as mind, soul-mind, feelings, sensation, emotions and reincarnation.
Lifetron a nd Ltron are usuallyinterchngeable when speaking about a single dimension except for
Ltron is used for d0 [oceanic and primordial dimension permeating and surrounding all universes = galaxies] and also used for d1 which has the smallest atem at its core built from 49 Ltrons [ a mix of Etrrons and Vtrons]
Lifetron is used for the smallest particle w49.6 = 3.6w on the outermost subaomic core and globe. These smallest 3.6 particles are built from 49 Ltrons from d49.5 = 3.5d.
In other words…
Ltron is an Etron or Vtron on d1[innermost] thru d49.5 [next to outermost subatomic atem]
Lifetron is an Electron or Vitron on d2[next to innermost] thru d49.6 [outermost subatomic atem]
Ltrons and Lifetrons are also called sips, warks, subatomic atems.
The proton has 3 quarks
The d49.3 quark has 3 warks.
sip = wark = subatomic atem = Ltron = Lifetron = smallest independent particle on each dimension
High quality Ltrons and Lifetrons are breathed out in every direction from the galactic center. Many trillions of lifetrons permeate our bodies as they replace depleted electrons and vitrons in our SUBATOMIC atems while trillions more in our vicinity are free agents roaming aimlessly around ready and willing to jump to the attention of our conscious instructions. Much like the trillions of air particles in our vicinity that become available for us when we choose to consciously breathe deeply instead of shallowly.
As we learn to consciously attract more and more lifetrons into our bodies, they become our best helpers to bring us enhanced health and vitality.
We call them lifetrons for once we consciously augment our automatic quota by attracting an abundance of them into our body those enlistments gladly obey our instructions to bring an abundance of vitality and harmony into the local scheme of things. Each electron has its vitron counterparts and so both types of lifetron work in sync.
[25 july 22] from page 33 in Venusian Secret Science by Valiant Thor & Michael Barton
“The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the pages we read are permeated with lifetrons and also surrounded by lifetrons.
Electrons and Vitrons are the building blocks for all things galactic. On dimension 1, 49 Ltrons [ a mix of Etrons and Vtrons] are packaged together to make up the smallest independent particle called w1 on dimension 1. The w1-particle can also be called a lifetron [vitron or electron].
In turn 49 of these w1-particles are packaged to make up the smallest independent particle on d2 called the w2-particle. On dimension 2, 48 of these w2-particles will arrange themselves in orbit around the w2-core to take charge of native dimensions 2. Another set of 48 w2-particles will orbit a clone of core w2 and this package of 49 will form the core of dimension 3. Here is an illustration of how 1848 w1-Ltrons orbit 553 Ltrons making up the 2401 Ltrons that comprise the w3-particle.
High quality lifetrons are breathed out in every direction from the galactic center. Many trillions of lifetrons permeate our bodies as they replace depleted electrons and vitrons in our SUBATOMIC atems while trillions more in our vicinity are free agents roaming aimlessly around ready and willing to jump to the attention of our conscious instructions. Much like the trillions of air particles in our vicinity that become available for us when we choose to consciously breathe deeply instead of shallowly.

Today is 14th July 2022 and yesterday I paraphrased part of page 33 in the book
Venusian Health Magic” by Michael Barton and Valiant Thor. Publ 1959 and 2016.
I paraphrase from page 33
“The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the pages we read are permeated with lifetrons and also surrounded by lifetrons.
Here is the sketch showing the interaction between the water atem on 3.5d and the steam atem 3.4

On the left we see the 1848 orbitals and on the right we see the 553 sips of the nucleus around which they spin. The red 42’s on the left orbit their corresponding 7’s on the right [all marked in red]
Now for the interaction between the 2 smallest elder dims.

The smallest particle is called a Ltron [Etron or Vtron] on d1 also called d1-sip, w1 for wark on d1 and subatomic atem on d1. On d2, the d1-Etron acts as an electron and the d1-Vtron can be called a d2-vitron. These 49 particles [as shown] are bundled up to create a new subatomic atem called w2 on d2. n2 is core atem on d1 serving as the core of any form on d1. This form could be the galaxy, solar sys, planet or humon immortal etc.
The smallest particle on d2 is called a Lifetron [electron or vitron]. On the next outer subatomic dimension, the d2-electron is often called a d3-electron [ see next segment]. 49 of these d2-lifetrons are bundled together to form the smallest independent particle on d3.
Now for the interaction between the 2 smallest elder dims d1 and d2

The smallest particle is called a Ltron [Etron or Vtron] on d1 also called d1-sip, w1 for wark on d1 and subatomic atem on d1. On d2, the d1-Etron acts as an electron and the d1-Vtron can be called a d2-vitron. These 49 particles [as shown] are bundled up to create a new subatomic atem called w2 on d2. n2 is core atem on d1 serving as the core of any form on d1. This form could be the galaxy, solar sys, planet or humon immortal etc.
The smallest particle on d2 is called a Lifetron [electron or vitron]. On the next outer subatomic dimension, the d2-electron is often called a d3-electron [ see next segment]. 49 of these d2-lifetrons are bundled together to form the smallest independent particle on d3.
The Godeau effect is where the time taken to decode is part of the confirmation that the decode holds up.On 7 may 2017 I started out developing my theory of consciousnez now called dez theory of nez. On 7 may 2017 I called it the alfobeTic theory ver 1. On the 17 may 2017 I renamed it to alfobeDic ver 2 and on the 28 june 2017 I updated it to again to alfobeDic ver 3.0. And here we are 1848 days later, on the 20th July 2022 talking about part 2 of the explanation of 1848 orbitals around a nucleus of 553 sips [previous segment 99.1]
Currently the the name of the theory oscillates between the ”angelgod and humon” and the “theory of consciousnez”. This latest decode makes me introduce a 3rd contender for the title i.e. dez theory of nez.
DECODE 79.2 3 of 3
This is the quote that’s at the center of these decodes:
extract from “Venusian Health Magic” published 1959, 1972, 1985, 2016 by Valiant Thor and Michael Barton
[page 33] “FIRST we’ll take a look at the tiny but mighty electron. – THE SMALLEST UNIT OF ELECTRICITY KNOWN. These tiny lifetrons exist everywhere, The air u breathe, the food u eat, the pages u are reading – everything is permeated with electrons . All of them are alike and each one is one eighteen-hundreds [1/1848] as big as the tiniest atom. Electrons are actually minute building blocks of ENERGY which Nature uses in the construction of atoms.”
Electrons are the building blocks which the universe uses to construct subatomic atems on each of the 49 elder dims and their 122 younger dims. Each stable config of 49 atems on each dim comprise 49 atems of the adjacent inner dim.
When the typical mainstream scientist of today observes an tiny electron to be approx. 1848 times smaller than a subquark, he doesn’t realize that he’s observing an electron that resides on an inner dimension as shown above.
[hydrogen atom = proton; proton has 3 quarks; quark has 3 subatomic atems.]
Let’s relate it to 3 pictures of the same ice-particle in 3 different forms aka dimensions aka densities.
3.6 as ice
3.5 as water
3.4 as steam

When the typical mainstream scientist of today observes an tiny electron to be approx. 1848 times smaller than a subquark, he doesn’t realize that he’s observing an electron that resides on an inner dimension as shown above.
hydrogen atom = proton; proton has 3 quarks; quark has 3 subatomic atems.