Here we explore the 11 reasons why the tetraktys brought to the world by Pythagoras is the most revered symbol on the planet by knowers of angelgod. The 11 reasons come in 2 pictures the first one a sketch of our humon immortal essence with its 3 satellites and our angelgod [counts for 5 reasons]

now for the next 6 reasons; the angelgod + humon soul; humon, the persona cloned from the outermost fringe of the humon soul; the 3 nuclei around which are build the 3 temporary bodies mental, emotional and 3d for the next mission on the surface of the planet

530 days since the last decode of the tetraktys. Converting from strongs greek sequence this gives us 3 meanings
a. universally:
b. once for all:
c. καί ἅπαξ καί δίς on the other hand, ἅπαξ καί δίς means (once and again i. e.) several times, repeatedly:
This is so appropriate since we are showing a picture of the transition that takes place at the beginning of each incarnation.
universally joining the new kingdom as the first humon for this monad
becoming a humon once for all
and upgrading repeatedly until perfection on 5d.
42 days since the last decode gives us the meaning holiness from
“holy” 40
1. properly reverend, worthy of veneration:
a. of things which on account of some connection with God possess a certain distinction and claim to reverence,
b. of persons whose services God employs; as for example, apostles, angels, prophets,
2. set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively connected to god.
DECODE 61b- decoding the 17 points [2 of 2]
17-jan-2020 7 days after decode 61
In the last decode i aligned 17 steps of nezdev to the 17 points of the tetractys and i was pleased it gave us 10 stages to boot. I started indicating the 17 points on both perspectives side by side – the sub atomic and the world of forms. When i was sketching the 34 points it caught my attention that it would be neat if the three circles aligned to 3, 7 and 7 to match the 3d, 4d and 5d worlds. After about an hour of experimentation, i came up with a solution which you can see here…

I continued with the sequence to make the 17 steps more understandable by giving the notation in part 2 of 4 as shown here…

Now part 3 will make more sense and we can see the elegant split 3-7-7 plays into the 3 human dimension..

Well the 7 days elapsed time is a theme of this decode ie the 7 warks in each atomic shell. The thing to catch my attention was the 2377 days mentioned in the last decode which comes into a sharper focus here ie the modified diagram showing the perspectives – the subatomic formation of 7-7-3 [inner 5d to outer] 3d and the forms formation of 3-7-7 [inner 3d to outer 5d] .
This reminds me of the eureka moment when i discovered the number of warks in a 33-wark across 4 worlds being a factor of 613 courtesy of the pomegranate.
greek 2377 = thuróros = doorkeeper
greek 613 = apokruptó = hidden , kept secret
The door keeper of the door to the hidden secrets has just opened up a little chink so that i can peek in …
DECODE 61- decoding the 17 points of the tetractys
10-jan-2020 10 days after decode 60
On the 10th jan, i was reading “the divine plan” published by Geoffrey Barborka in 1961 and was intrigued to see that he mentioned there were an additional 7 mathematical points implied in the tetractys giving us a total of 17 points. This spiked by interest cos Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet and associated with the highly classified knowledge being published on the site Very apposite that we are delving into the the symbol most revered by the Pythagoreans and surely containing a ton-load of highly classified knowledge that we haven’t deciphered yet.
I searched the internet for some geometrical presentations of the tetractys and found a great illustration to shed more light on the subject which i have used in the parts 1 and 2 of the decode. [see below] . I’m writing this up on the 12th jan and have just spent the last 10 mins searching for the original sketch. Apologies to the author but i hope to stumble across it at a later date.
So instead i’ll gives these 3 references:
tetractys and the subatomic wark
Very soon after looking at the geometrical illustration, i could see the 7 hidden points , all points on a 3rd innermost circle. This is a super bonus when it comes to explaining the concept of atoms within atoms.
I’ve been researching the various stages of nezdev for 6.5 years now and have come up with many diverse formulations but none that have been really were ultra-convincing. But on the 10th jan i made the association of the 17 cryptic points of the tetractys with 17 steps of nezdev. Out of the expected 777 levels of nezdev, i guess that i could denote around a couple of hundred of them, so it’s an easy exercise for me to choose a subset of 17.
It turns out that the 17 steps i selected can be easily divided into 10 stages.
here they are in 3 parts…

The 10th day of 2020 and 10 days since the last decode fits in with the defining 10 points of the sacred tetractys. Looking back i can identify 8-jul-2013 as the my first initiation into the mathematics of hylozoics and nezdev. That gives me an elapsed 2377 days which neatly breaks down as follows
2 perspectives [world of forms and the world of subatomics]
3 = the outer circle]
7 = the central circle
7 = the innermost circle
that’s sure good enough for now to satisfy my confirmation quotient.