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23-june-2022 [77 days since previous decode]
It turns out that Giza tells us the story of our humon syllabus in Tesla’s famous 3:6:9 pattern – the 3 major initiations are told in series of 3, 6, 9 stone courses respectively. On the 14th June, mirror day 72 -127, I revisited those early days of decoding and found my fledgling attempts to decode the meaning of the precise thicknesses of the stones. Today I came up against a brick wall when looking at the graph plotting the thicknesses. I tried explaining it but it’s so counter intuitive since as we step up the steps of the graph, we are decreasing nez levels.
I noticed that angelGod’s 6.1,and 6.3 had exactly the same thickness as 5.1 soul and that 5.2 soul and 4d core were both 83 cm thick. This gave me the impetus to sort the 4 dimensions 3d 4d 5d 6d and lo and behold I found a treasure trove of patterns. The thicknesses of all 4 sides of the Giza were measured and the max and minimum of the 4 readings are recorded. I have taken the mean of this range for each course.
8 days to decode
Today is 23 june 22 and i have divided the decode into digestible chunks as follows:
The year was 14,400 years PR5E [post Race 5 Era, precession #1] = 3,885 BF3 [Before Noah’s Flood = 78,905 BCE ]
The solar Ruler on dimension 29 called together his most adept and experienced team of architects and addressed them.
Welcome my dear precision design engineers, today I’ve called you together my most illustrious team of architects cos I’ve got a humongous project for you on Terra,
Planet #3, third nearest to Solis. Terra must be reshaped in around 3,885 years time – to prepare the way for race #5 and we already have earmarked some prime estate as the incubation location for the first 5 subraces 5.1 thru 5.5. That is where the crown chakra of the Russian giant is located known as the NW tip of the Gobi Sea.
Noah’s flood and the polar shift are scheduled in another 3,885 years and the project should be completed at least 3000 years before that. I need you to design the most intricate building ever attempted in this quadrant of the galaxy so that it can withstand the worst floods and polar shifts.
We are using it to teach humanity about their syllabus of consciousnez upgrades and initiations without having to be concerned about paper bibles being redacted, distorted or mis-translated.
Here’s the spec: 2.3 million stone blocks many of them granite, average weight 2.3 tons, some weighing 30 tons. The pyramid will have a total of 210 courses, you will design 10 courses denoting 4d starting course 32 and another 10 courses on top of them representing the 10 levels of 5d starting on course 42.
Please figure out a way how we can show humanity how their 4d and 5d humon syllabus is arranged. The top sketch shows the 20 courses covering the humon 4d/5d spectrum and on the bottom are the 3 major initiations of the syllabus we need to convey to our humonpod.
Let’s meet again in 2 hours in the Pythagoras suite to discuss your ideas and I can answer any questions.
This Bible in stone cannot be flooded, wrecked, redacted, distorted, divided, fudged, tampered with, doesn’t need translators cos it’s written in the immutable medium of mathematics.
Solar Ruler & architects reconvene in the Pythagoras suite to discuss options
Chief Architect Arcturo presents their ideas
As u specified dear Solar Ruler, u need a message to spell out the humon syllabus that cannot be flooded, redacted, wrecked by polar shifts or earthquakes, fudged or tampered with so we’ve come up with these first drafts 101.1 and 101.2 of how to precisely calibrate the thicknesses of the stone courses so that the pecking order of 4d and 5d comes sharply into focus to indicate the 3 major initiations where 1stly high 4d rules low 5d, 2ndly mid 5d rules high-4d and 3rdly high-5d rules high 4d. [chunk 3]
We won’t make it too obvious cos as always humons must use their discernment and decoding skills to satisfy themselves how we’ve encoded the main modules of their humon syllabus and we sure would like with your OK to throw in a few higgledy piggledy decoys to exercise those decoding skills that so often lie dormant waiting for the right trigger
Solar Ruler: I do like your number-centric thoughtforms, but do you realize the decode of your intricate design will probably have to wait for the age of spreadsheets and ADOBE GRAPHICS ?
CHUNK 3: DRAFT 101.1

Here we show the 3 major initiations. When 62% proficiency has been attained a an average across all 12 essential qualities then it’s time to graduate to the 3rd initiation stage 1.

CHUNK 5: draft 101.2: PAIRS OF 23 NEZ LEVELS

Two points stand out from the sort:
1) the 3d-etheric body is way higher that we might expect but its ranking of #3 tells us how all our nez upgrades of the humon are done while on the surface navigating all 7 bodies. that shows how all
2) 5.5 caters for the soul connections as opposed to 5.3 and 5,4 that caters for control of mind over 4d which can be used prodez or antidez. So that suggests to me that on the upper sector of 5.5 there is an unblemished sector that kick in every time the humon has sustained a contact with soul.
Apart from these 2 somewhat of anomalies, the rest of the sort resonates closely with my intuition.
Todays date is 10,022 days removed from the original cryptic message of 30 letters [14-jan 1995]. That’s also 27 years and 160 days. The 22 is significant since we have outlined 22 jumps from the lowest consciousnez level 4.6 until reaching the topmost level on the chart 6.6 of 6d the meeting point between the 2 selves.
I started this decode on the 14th June and that gives us 10,013 days elapsed since the original message in 1995. 10,013 days equals 27 years and 151.51 days.
27 * 365.242 + 151.51 = 10,013.04.
0.04 of a day is 3456 seconds = 57.6 mins.
This points us to the base angles of the pyramid or the slope of the pyramid as 51 degrees 51 minutes = 51.85 and together with the apex angle we can derive pi, phi and euler’s constant discovered in 1618.
4 x 51.85° / 76.30° = e (99.998%)
tan 51.85° = 4 / π (99.99%)
cos 51.85° = 1 / Φ (99.95%)
sin 51.85° = 4 / πΦ (99.94%)
Described in detail on this site